Lower Weiser River Cooperative Weed Management Area Updated:08/2020

The Lower Weiser River Cooperative Weed Management Area is a grass roots organization dedicated to the noxious weed war. The strategy of this weed management area is to increase and foster cooperation among private landowners, local, state, and federal agencies as well as others who have an interest regarding the impact the spread of noxious weeds is having on our land. We continue to strive to educate all age groups of the importance of noxious weed identification, prevention, eradication, and control options of all types.  

Our CWMA encompasses 932,000+ acres in Washington County. The foremost weed problems include leafy spurge, scotch thistle, and rush skeletonweed. Large-scale efforts are being made each year to contain and control these species. New invaders threatening our area include: yellow starthistle, dalmatian/yellow toadflax, and three varieties of knapweed.

Contact Lower Weiser River Cooperative Weed Management Area

REMINDER: This listing is a free service of IdahoLandCAN.
Lower Weiser River Cooperative Weed Management Area is not employed by or affiliated with the Idaho Land Conservation Assistance Network, and the Network does not certify or guarantee their services. The reader must perform their own due diligence and use their own judgment in the selection of any professional.


Contact Lower Weiser River Cooperative Weed Management Area

Bonnie Davis
Washington County Weed Superintendent
PO Box 865
Weiser, ID  83672
Phone: 208-414-1950
Cell Phone: 208-550-1049
Fax: 208-414-8346

Service Area

Services provided in:
  • Washington County, Idaho